Tuesday 4 October 2011

Beware!!! Phone Scam is on the move in our neigbourhood.

Last week I received a call with a recorded message saying that I have an outstanding balance for my RHB credit card. I was so furious not because they didn't get it right but because I have none of this card in my possession. Last time I used such card from such banks were sometime ago. Quite sometime I must say( 5 years back). My outstanding amount is RM7800. The recorded message then goes to...' press 1 to repeat and '0' to talk to the operator. Since I want to make sure the amount, I pressed '1'. Surprisingly, when it should repeat the message, the call were answered a a lady (Chinese) operator. This is the truth, and frankly I'm not trying to be racist or such. She told me that I have an outstanding balance and I wondered what to do. I'm trapped by some 'cute bunch' that has made a fraudulent card application with my name on it. I asked her on what should I do next. She advised me to take details that she will give and she would pass me through 'Unit Pemalsuan Kad Kredit Bank Negara Malaysia'. Finally, a solution I must say. I wrote down all the details given. She told me that the card were registered sometime in June 2011. There was only one transaction ' Poh Kong Jewellery= RM7800). Well, I would NEVER spend that amount on jewellery. Not until I wear skirts and blouse.

She then directly transfer my call to the so called BNM. As quick as a lightning, there was somebody on the line. Surprise??? Such big organization could pick up your call within split second. There was a guy (again it was Chinese) on the line. ' Ini bahagian pemalsuan kad kredit Bank Negara'. I asked him again 'where is this?' and the tone were a bit high... 'INI BAHAGIAN PEMALSUAN KAD KREDIT BANK NEGARA.' Then my heart told me to look at the number on my phone... There it was, +85++++++... Surprisingly, the BNM call centre was in a foreign neighbourhood. I've checked, +85 is a Hong Kong number.

It was a masterpiece. When you thought that a saviour would arise from your pain. Neglect that since the saviour (seems to be) is trying to suck your blood. Not racist, but cleverly told.

Allah is the only saviour that you could rely on. I'm thankful that my instinct (with guide from Allah) saved me from a disastrous moment. Who knows what had happened if I gave my details to the so called BNM officer (go to hell to you scammers).

Please be advised that the banks would NEVER:

1. Call and ask for your details. Why should they asked when they already have one.

2. Don't make any transaction when the call is not from you.

3. Don't give your personal details through phone for whatever reason.

4. The banks wont keep your outstanding balance dormant. You would have a sufficient red letter in your mailbox and finnaly a letter from the attorney.

Please spread this words to others. This culprit should be severely punihsed.

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

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