Tuesday 4 October 2011

Beware!!! Phone Scam is on the move in our neigbourhood.

Last week I received a call with a recorded message saying that I have an outstanding balance for my RHB credit card. I was so furious not because they didn't get it right but because I have none of this card in my possession. Last time I used such card from such banks were sometime ago. Quite sometime I must say( 5 years back). My outstanding amount is RM7800. The recorded message then goes to...' press 1 to repeat and '0' to talk to the operator. Since I want to make sure the amount, I pressed '1'. Surprisingly, when it should repeat the message, the call were answered a a lady (Chinese) operator. This is the truth, and frankly I'm not trying to be racist or such. She told me that I have an outstanding balance and I wondered what to do. I'm trapped by some 'cute bunch' that has made a fraudulent card application with my name on it. I asked her on what should I do next. She advised me to take details that she will give and she would pass me through 'Unit Pemalsuan Kad Kredit Bank Negara Malaysia'. Finally, a solution I must say. I wrote down all the details given. She told me that the card were registered sometime in June 2011. There was only one transaction ' Poh Kong Jewellery= RM7800). Well, I would NEVER spend that amount on jewellery. Not until I wear skirts and blouse.

She then directly transfer my call to the so called BNM. As quick as a lightning, there was somebody on the line. Surprise??? Such big organization could pick up your call within split second. There was a guy (again it was Chinese) on the line. ' Ini bahagian pemalsuan kad kredit Bank Negara'. I asked him again 'where is this?' and the tone were a bit high... 'INI BAHAGIAN PEMALSUAN KAD KREDIT BANK NEGARA.' Then my heart told me to look at the number on my phone... There it was, +85++++++... Surprisingly, the BNM call centre was in a foreign neighbourhood. I've checked, +85 is a Hong Kong number.

It was a masterpiece. When you thought that a saviour would arise from your pain. Neglect that since the saviour (seems to be) is trying to suck your blood. Not racist, but cleverly told.

Allah is the only saviour that you could rely on. I'm thankful that my instinct (with guide from Allah) saved me from a disastrous moment. Who knows what had happened if I gave my details to the so called BNM officer (go to hell to you scammers).

Please be advised that the banks would NEVER:

1. Call and ask for your details. Why should they asked when they already have one.

2. Don't make any transaction when the call is not from you.

3. Don't give your personal details through phone for whatever reason.

4. The banks wont keep your outstanding balance dormant. You would have a sufficient red letter in your mailbox and finnaly a letter from the attorney.

Please spread this words to others. This culprit should be severely punihsed.

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Selamat Hari Raya 1432H

I would like to wish u all Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Eid Mubarak..
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Monday 25 July 2011


Can' believe how crucial it is to have an insurance. Until now, when we need an urgent attention in healthcare. Even greater needs when private hospital could be called as 'hotel'. Single or double room could be chosen and accompanied with essential toileteries provided during check in.
I'm using Prudential medical card which entitles me to be in a single room. Just imagine without those, the room itself is about RM100++ per night.
Thanks to my insurance and its pretty obvious that.. you get what you pay....
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Sunday 19 June 2011

JPA Scholarship..

It's a sad issue for some (since they did not receive it) but nightmare for Malays. Why? Somply because more than 70% of the one who sounded unfair was other than themselves.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.1

Tuesday 24 May 2011

MCA urges government to award 300 Best Student's with scholarship to study abroad

It's been a while now......

I just have to post my view from what I've heard on the radio(Sinar FM) while cruising to work just now....

MCA urges government award on 300 best student's in SPM a scholarship to study abroad. This should be given to ANY best student there is. Not according to race nor quota but purely based upon the merit. This is however were urged to prevent neglect on the best student in order to get to go further. Some of these best students were awarded scholarship but only in local higher education institution. But this obviously not enough for some...

My question is...

1. Why did MCA voiced out this? Why not the others? There are so many parties in Malaysia isn't it?

2. Who are this 300 best students? (You don't have to get any access to any statistics to do this. Most of you could answer this by just looking around you in school, universities and ANYWHERE.)

3. From what background does they come from?

4. Are we neglecting something here?

5. How about the rights of Malays in constitution?

If I'm not mistaken, the Bumi's should be getting ALL the help and support from government... But until when?? (they say...and most of us say that - even the Malays themselves.)

6. Is the constitution just a writing that nobody even care or read it?

7. Why does our country were named as MALAYSIA?

8. When does the Malays starts to have a secondary school in Malaysia? On the other hand, when does the others had it (in Malaysia?

9. Am I a racist if I even brought this matter in my post? (Like what I'm doing now..) You can answer this final question after you have answered ALL OF THE ABOVE QUESTIONS.

Then answer this....

10. What should the government do?????? Should the follow or ignore???

I will conclude this post with a song that were writen by Ray Evans and Ray Livingstone published in 1956 by Alfred Hitchcock.

"Que sera, sera,
Whatever will be, will be;
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be, will be."

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Friday 8 April 2011

Be A Good Follower, Become a Great leader

Have you ever heard the expression “He’s a natural born leader?” This is one of those phrases that in reality is more ?ction than fact. Leadership qualities are developed “after birth” through the decisions we make and the decisions that are made for us in childhood. These decisions influence which people we choose to follow, which ultimately shapes our leadership abilities. Therefore, in order to become a great leader, you must First learn how to become a good follower.

To become a good follower you must carefully select your role models and mentors. No one can choose these people for you. These people will be the leaders who will shape your character and ultimately teach you how to be a great leader yourself.

Role models and mentors are not the same. A role model can be anyone who influences another person to act or be- have in ways similar to themselves.

They can be someone you know or someone you have never met. The similar characteristic between role models is that they are looked up to by the people who follow them. This is why many children choose sports heroes as role models. They would love to be like Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky or John Elway. I wonder how many children do the “Sammy Sosa jump” after they hit a baseball, or stick their tongue out when attempting to slam dunk a basketball like Michael Jordan?

But sports heroes are not the only type of role model that can impact a person’s life. Peers, teachers, and parents have an opportunity to make the strongest impact on us. And because a role model’s in?uence can be either good or bad, who we choose to emulate will ultimately determine the person we become. Children are the most impressionable because they are looking to de?ne themselves. They are at the time in their lives when selecting a positive role model is crucial. However, in a recent survey that asked children if they had a role model, 43% said they did not.

A mentor is a type of role model. The relationship between a person and a mentor is much more special because the mentor will have an impact through a direct personal relationship. The mentor and the person not only interact together but the mentor often takes a personal interest in the success of their “student”. The mentor is an important part of the person’s life.

A mentor can “take you under their wing” or you may seek them out based on a particular area of expertise they possess. If you are fortunate enough to have one or more mentors in your life, these will be the key people who will shape your leadership qualities, so choose them wisely.

The best way to choose a role model/ mentor is to examine your goals and seek out the people who have accomplished similar objectives. Once you ?nd some- one that you would like to follow, ask yourself how this person accomplished their objective. If they were successful in an honest and reputable way, then they will most likely be an excellent role model or mentor in your life. For example, if your goal is to be a great weight-lifter, a good role model would be a person who was dedicated to being successful through hard work and without the use of steroids.

As martial arts instructors, we strive to become positive role models for all our students. We have the unique opportunity to work with many people with varying goals. While we don’t expect you to choose our life’s path and open a martial arts school, we do expect your martial arts training to be an important tool in helping you achieve success in whatever you do.

If you have been a good follower and have chosen your leaders properly, you will have learned to lead others. Just as it comes time for children to leave home and enter the world as individuals, there also comes a time for followers to become leaders. As children can always come home for support, great leaders understand that continuing to have role models and leaders as a reference will foster continued personal growth. At our school, it is our mission to develop great leaders. Our tool is martial arts.

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Characteristics of Good Followers

Adapted from Leadership, Get It Done. For more details on Rex Campbell book, refer to http://web.missouri.edu/~campbellr/Leadership/default.htm

Chapter 5 : Characteristics of Good Followers

This is a book about leadership. You may be asking yourself why is there a discussion on how to be a good follower. Most of us start in an organization or a community as a follower. It is rare that any of us will step into any type of leadership position, formal or informal without demonstrating that we can be and are good followers. For that reason, perhaps, I should have started the book with this chapter.

So, let's start with a simple statement: you nor I cannot be a good leader unless we are or can be a good follower. The characteristics of each position are very similar. There are people who may be good followers who do not make good leaders or even want to be leaders, but there are no good leaders who are not good followers. Sure, there are some people who think they are too good to be a follower, but I bet their parade has only one person in it: themselves. The skills that make for good followers also make for good leaders.

Successful followers (supporters or team members) come in a wide variety of personal characteristics. We have all met loners who cannot get along with anyone. These are relatively rare. For the most part, all of us are followers at one time or another. There are some characteristics or traits that make for being a better follower. Just as with leaders, motivation is the most important single factor. Which is most important your ego or getting the job done? If you focus on the goals to be achieved and are motivated, you will a good follower and, perhaps, even a good leader.

Second in this list are such characteristics are reliability and loyalty. These are also important for leaders. Very few of us have all of best characteristics to be a good follower to the limit, but the most effective follower and leaders regardless of which role will have most of them well developed. I cannot say it too often: these characteristics regardless of the degree to which you now have them can be further developed and enhanced. Improvement is limitless. Remember, changes in the personality traits take years of consistent work. We can and should start today, but don't expect instantaneous results.

Personality: An outgoing style - the ability and enjoyment of working with other people in a team is a useful skill. A sincere liking and respect for other people is a wonderful asset. Being well liked will certainly help in working in teams or any other social situation. Humor and warmth are effective here also. First and foremost, you must be a good team member (see below for further discussion of this characteristic).

Communications skills: A follower must be able to understand and communicate with the leader and other team members. An effective leader must have a large amount of feedback. It is your responsibility as a follower to provide this information to the leader. Tell him/her what is working and what is not. Give him/her the information from which good decisions can be made. All of this must be done in what is an acceptable manner for that leader and that group or organization. This takes considerable skill. How do you tell someone that his/her tactics are not working without offending him or her? Very few people including leaders can accept criticism gracefully. There is no one answer to that question that will fit all situations. The best answer is tact, which will vary from one group to another.

Cooperative/team player: Responsible/dependable: This is a maxim characteristic for followers. If a leader cannot depend upon you being a certain place or doing a job, you are useless to him/her. Worse than that, you may be a danger because he/she may be counting on you. If you have any hope any desire to be a member of a group, a team or anything except a loner, you must have or develop dependability. Start by being on time or a few minutes early for your next appointment. Keep a calendar or a date book. It is essential for almost any type of professional career. Dedicated/loyal: Yes, Absolutely! It is required. However, there may come a time when because the leader or the group is doing something illegal or immoral, you should not be loyal. You should report the behavior or actions to the appropriate people or authorities. Loyalty should not be blind or limitless.

Persistent/patient: There are times when you will need to relax and wait for events or time to pass regardless of whether you are a leader or a follower. And again, there will be times when you should push, you should not be satisfied with the status quo. Critical thinking is an important part of both being a good follower or a good leader.

Perceptive: You must be sensitive to other people's wants and needs and to changes in these wants and needs. Genuine interest in another person will often develop a sense of trust by that person. The ability to listen which will help you be sensitive to other people is an essential skill of a good follower.

Honesty/Trustworthy: You must be honest. Most people will believe and want to work with someone they trust. The narrow line is between being overly candid and criticism. When do you tell your best friend that their taste in clothes is, well, awful? The answer is probably when they will be criticized for their awful clothes if you don't tell. The art is telling them in a way that will not hurt their feelings. Honesty ranks right along with dependable as a maxim characteristic for good followers.

Praise and compliments: Almost everyone, leaders or followers, likes to be recognized especially if they have worked hard. People are more attracted by praise than by criticism and will be willing to work with you if you acknowledge their contributions. Let me repeat, it is very important that people be given recognition for their contributions. Whenever possible, always give credit.

Prepared: A good follower needs to be knowledgeable about the groups’ goals. An effective follower should be both organized and prepared. Obviously, this list includes much that makes a person a good human being, a good member of a family, a group, and an organization or of a community. I doubt if any of the list really surprised you. But how many of those do you need to work on? To repeat what I said at the start of this chapter, the equation for success for a follower is very similar to that for a leader. The more of these traits (tools) you have successfully developed the greater the probability of your success either as a follower or as a leader.


A Mental Questionnaire Let's turn those traits of a good follower into a questionnaire of your characteristics as a follower. Remember, all of us even the President are followers at times. Be honest to yourself.

Do you cooperate with others to achieve the desired goal?

Are you willing to accept others' ideas?

Are you a team player? Or do you prefer to work by yourself?

Are you willing to give the leader and others credit and public recognition?

Are you loyal to the group?

Are you flexible? Or does it have to be done YOUR way? My way or the highway?

Are you rational or dogmatic?

Are you dedicated to the group's goals?

Are you dependable?

Can others count on you to do your part?

Can you provide constructive feedback without being negative?

There is no passing, perfect or final score for these questions. Our answers will change for different groups, different situations and different times. All of us can improve on all of these attributes, all of the time. Keep these questions in your mind, both when you are a leader and when you are a follower. They will help you succeed at both. I have a strong belief that you can be a winner as either a leader or a follower!

Sunday 20 March 2011

Therefore in life

My mind is full
but my might is not
courage we take
or courage we make
we thought of our future
but the future is leaving us
we tend to forget
but forget bad deeds we will not
therefore in life
utilise your time
eventhough your mind is full

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Saturday 19 March 2011

Toxic people

I've attended a workshop on LEADERSHIP AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT FOR YOUNG LECTURERS. Am I still young??? Hahaha. However, the topics covered are pretty much the same for other workshops on developing leadership skill (not just for lecturers (as expected though). Anticipating my mind through the workshop I realised that certain things presented differs from any other stuff that I had gone through before. The speakers, (TNC A of UTM) were relating all the skills presented with real life experience as an academics and administrator. This is kind of a rare situation and pretty much a hands-on learning into the topics with more precise details. One of the main topics that he mentioned was the Toxic People. In any organizations, there would be couple of people with certain or specific characteristic. We are not talking about the looks and appearance although this is quite essential but the leadership qualities. Types of people are crucial in order for any organization to succeed in pretty much everything. While explaining a meeting scenario, he mentioned about the ‘Toxic People’. This brought me far away from my desk and starts to evaluate matter for my own perspective. Colleagues, friends and subordinate have been a subject matter of my quest for this toxic. Strictly, I’m not labelling anyone however just to put the puzzle into place.

How to recognize this toxic branch of life? Well, this defined by certain criteria such as:

How to Recognize Toxic People Following is a list of commonly encountered types of toxic people, with descriptions of their basic toxic characteristics. 1. The Psychopath: The Psychopath lacks empathy and sympathy, is completely devoid of a conscience, and derives pleasure from others' suffering.

2. The Sociopath: The Sociopath completely disregards the rights and feelings of others, and is incapable of experiencing remorse, shame or guilt.

3. The Pathological Liar: The Pathological Liar lacks the capacity to tell the truth-in fact, the pathological lacks the ability to even recognize the truth.

4. The Emotional Wreck: The Emotional Wreck is constantly on an emotional rollercoaster. This individual simply cannot keep it together.

5. The Putdown Artist: The Putdown Artist is constantly making others the butt of jokes in an attempt to deflect attention away from their own shortcomings.

6. The Hatemonger/Blamemonger: The Hatemonger/Blamemonger hates everyone who is nicer, smarter, richer, better connected or more successful than they are. The Hatemonger/Blamemonger blames every individual and every group of individuals that is different from them for all of their particular problems, as well as for everything the Hatemonger/Blamemonger believes is wrong with the world in general.

7. The Misogynist/Misandrist/Misanthrope: The Misogynist hates women. The Misandrist hates women. The Misanthrope hates ALL humans without regard to gender. The Misogynist/Misandrist/Misanthrope blames women, men or people in general for all of their problems and failures.

8. The World Class Jerk: The World Class Jerk is a classless, uncouth, foul-mouthed jackass who is universally offensive.

9. The Moocher: The Moocher constantly asks to borrow everything money to breath mints. The Moocher develops amnesia when it's time to pay back a loan, and is never able to reciprocate a favor.

10. The Downer: The Downer is always in a bad mood. In fact, The Downer takes great pains to maintain their bad mood and to broadcast it to anyone who will listen.

11. The Illwill Ambassador: The Illwill Ambassador seeks out bad news and rumors and works overtime to make sure no one misses out on their malevolent mudslinging.

12. The Instigator: The Instigator lives to create discord, hostility and strife. The Instigator actually nurtures confrontation.

13. The Bully: The Bully thrives on dominating and humiliating those they perceive as weaker than them.

14. The Master Manipulator: The Master Manipulator uses cunning, trickery and subterfuge to control victims.

15. The Blackmailer: The Blackmailer works hard to gain your trust so they can learn your secrets and weaknesses and exploit them when you cross them.

16. The Blabbermouth: The Blabbermouth tells everything they know--especially your personal business.

17. The Generally Malcontent: The Generally Malcontent finds dissatisfaction with everything and makes a point of never being happy...ever.

18. The Love Predator: The Love Predator pretends to be your friend, finds out all your business and uses it to try to get your spouse or lover into bed. The Love Predator doesn't actually want your spouse or lover; they want you to know they slept with (or could have slept with) your spouse or lover.

19. The Self-Destructor: The Self-Destructor eats too much, drinks too much, smokes too much and parties too much. The Self-Destructor is the embodiment of the word reckless.

Avoid them as much as necessary. I’ve encountered with no 1,2,3,5,6,16, and 17 How about you guys out there? No 1 should pay a visit to the nearest Mental Institution.

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Tuesday 8 March 2011


My friend from HEPA invited me to watch this show by the Chinese Cultural Club in UTeM. Thanks Bro Zem for the invitation. Frankly, they really know what they are doing. Eventhough its not that perfect but consider it for the angle that they are not a pro. However, they did a really good job. I can't imagine how this people (a usual student) could remember such long lines for this play. I should applause on the sound system that UTeM had because the sound quality is no where near average. It was outstanding despite the sound of breath form the actors mainly because of the micropohone positioned to near. I just wonder, when can I see the Malay play on the UTeM stage. Perhaps, not in near future.......


-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Monday 7 March 2011

PRK: Merlimau (N27) & Kerdau(N28)- By-Election Result

•Barisan Nasional (BN) mempertahankan kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Merlimau (N27) dan DUN Kerdau (N28) dalam pilihan raya kecil di kedua-dua kawasan itu semalam dengan meraih majoriti undi yang lebih besar.

•Di Merlimau, calon BN Roslan Ahmad, 44, memperoleh majoriti 3,643 undi menewaskan calon Pas, Yuhaizad Abdullah, 38. Di Kerdau pula, Syed Ibrahim Syed Ahmad, 44, mendapat majoriti 2,724 undi mengalahkan calon Pas, Hassanuddin Salim, 43.

Just wondering, when will the campaigning session would be held without pointing on each other's fault. Just concentrating on how good you are as a leader...

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Sunday 6 March 2011

Feeling glad

I was wondering is it me or just the day? I should be hectic and slow today but neither that happens. Just a sudden thought of dreaming that rises to my mind. Maybe just the passion and courage that motivates me. Despite of being purely a natural human being, now I learn something which not really that new. Life must goes on doesn't matter what happen while driving through it. There are still a lot of things to do and yet to be done. Naturally, throw away the darkness and bring laughter to your life (if you may). I guess if I can do that then I'm no more natural as I could be.
-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

2002-2004 Honda Civic Type-R

Posted on 11.29.2005 14:52 by Alex Damian
Filed under: Honda Honda Civic hatchback

The second generation Honda Civic Type-R is built at Honda’s Swindon factory in the United Kingdom, and exported to other countries, including Japan. It is the same factory that builds the Civic Si.

The front-wheel-drive Type-R Civic only comes in three-door hatchback form, same as the Si, but the Type-R has stiffer body with front and rear bracing struts, and comes standard with a complete "ground effects" kit, rear spoiler, mesh grille, lower suspension and 17 inch wheels. The interior is fitted with Alcantara-trimmed sports seats, a metallic-trim center console and a rally-style six-speed manual shifter. Luxuries are kept at a minimum, with only power windows, remote power door locks and a CD player. No GPS navigation, no heated seats and no other such niceties are offered, not even as options.

The Type-R is powered by the new i-VTEC 4 cylinder engine, similar to the 200 hp Acura RSX Type-S engine, but different from the 160 hp Civic Si powerplant. The i-VTEC unit provides for smoother power delivery, unlike older VTEC engines which gave a sudden boost at a certain rpm. Like all Honda engines, the Type-R’s 197 hp engine provides most of its power in the higher rev range and is characteristically short on torque, with a peak torque figure of only 145 lb-ft, with barely anything available in the lower rev range. The six-speed close-ratio gearbox handles the power delivery. The car is built on a modified version of the current four-door Civic, meaning MacPherson strut suspension up front and double wishbones at the rear. The change from four-wheel double wishbones has noticeably hurt the handling dynamics of the Civic sedan, but it is less apparent in the highly-tuned Type-R. Large four-wheel disc brakes, vented at the front, offer decent braking performance, with ABS and EBD (Electronic Brake force Distribution) being standard features. The 17 inch alloy wheels are wrapped with ultra low profile 205/45R17 tyres.

The Civic Type-R has been on sale in Europe, Japan and some Middle Eastern countries for more than a year now. Rumor has it that the car will be offered in the Fall of 2003 as a 2004 model, although American Honda has been tight-lipped about any such plans.

source: http://www.topspeed.com/cars/honda/2002-2004-honda-civic-type-r-ar541.html

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-


Do the dance, while you may
run the road while dust is gray
bottom of my heart I felt sorrow
down my mind i want to throw
the knowledge I gain
the fear i keen
It would follow me
whenever I'm in pain
distribute it while you may
while people don't really crave
the essence
the bit
the section
of your truthful knowledge
you will stand with some greatness
behold the key and try to forget
the grim manner in peoples heart


-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

In the nights - Song from BR

"In The Night"

In the city, the day is too hot
And you're hoping for relief, 'cuz your head is filled with pain,
But you get no relief, 'cuz the night is the same...
In the night, in the night you see through jaded eyes.
In the night, in the night you feel barely alive.
You live your life in darkness, you've got pennies on your eyes.
But you say that it's all right, 'cuz you've never lived a lie,
As you crawl back to your womblike existence in the night.
In the night, in the night you see through jaded eyes.
In the night, in the night you feel barely alive.
You can't see no light, but you hear those heavy footsteps,
And the little man inside twists your tormented mind.
Your mind is filled with shadows, your palms are wet with sweat.
Limbs are bound and tangled in a fatal net.
There are two things you can do.
One is turn and fight.
The other's run headlong into the night.
In the night, in the night you see through jaded eyes.
In the night, in the night you feel barely alive.
You can't see no light, but you hear those heavy footsteps,
And the breathing at your side, is it yours, or is it
Good bye!

Taken from BR

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Friday 25 February 2011

Melaka River Cruise

It's been a while for me to take this cruise. Several reasons were given (by myself) to hold this up. Firstly, I've tried to do so sometime last year and it was full packed with people. Even the queue was up to the Hang Tuah Bridge (the bridge near to Pengkalan Rama Pantai)- If I'm not mistaken. This was when the the early opening of this site. Then me and wife went there again with another member of the family and again, we were disappointed. However, today a friend/relative/colleague of mine turn out to be in Malacca. So, we went there around 9.00pm and we managed to get the seat. Reasons the place were empty (I guess) is because of the heat of by-election in Merlimau. everyone is busy to be there. The tourist is more likely as an election- tourist. Secondly, the hazy rain might be one of the cause indeed.

While cruising, we were given the VIP boat with couple of people geared with keyboard and microphone. The rain doesn't stop me on enjoying the scene. Even though I've been in Malacca for more than a year now, the journey is still like the place I haven't been before. The view is for the rear section of shops and buildings. Not forgetting how beautiful and decorative the rear section was.This were all the effort of the State Government from what I heard through the guidance voice throughout the cruise. We had a Dondang Sayang treat while on our way back upriver.

People did say that the river holds some kind of unpleasant smell and I'm quite skeptical on such reviews and start to look for it. However, for the whole 45 minutes journey, there are only one spot that contain the unwanted smell. In addition, it was just a fresh water smell not like a stinking or rotten food smell which I was anticipated.

I didn't take any photo since I was more concern on my camera equipment which can't get together with rain nicely. I'll try to make this writing more meaningful next time by adding some pictures inline with the words.

I should say that a lot of effort that has been thrown in order to change the perspective and also mindset of the people in Malacca. Previously, nobody cares for cleanliness of the river but now it is totally differ from the brutal past. How MUCH effort had been spent but I believe that they would be used towards enhancing the city scape through this cruise.

To all- I would say, please take this cruise at least once.
For people of Malacca- Do take this cruise since we might not know our own town (rear scenary) and its beauty.

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Eventhough you don't like me, Don't Bull**** yourself

We are who we are
Predetermined on what we do.
Pretending that we couldn't care less for others
The passion that we build
The courage that it takes
We do
Nonetheless we tend to forget
Selfishness and hatred
Or just bloody ignorant yet to condemned
Filled throughout our soul
Who am I to judge nor making judgement
My opinion is always down the basement
Comment and torment
Thinking that my time has come to arouse my thought
You might think to draft
Of people agony and whispering the craft
Through your naked mind and have a drought
When the rain comes you'll be the first to drown
Can you beat the the humming bees
do complete the nature's cycle
or have you thought of humming bird
making sounds by clapping wings
Who are you to bull**** yourself
And get away with it?

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Tuesday 22 February 2011


Taken from dictionary.com

de·moc·ra·cy   /dɪˈmɒkrəsi/ Show Spelled[dih-mok-ruh-see]
–noun, plural -cies.

1. government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.

2. a state having such a form of government: The United States and canada are democracies.

3. a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges.

4. political or social equality; democratic spirit.

5. the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power.

1525–35; < Middle French démocratie < Late Latin dēmocratia < Greek dēmokratía popular government, equivalent to dēmo- demo- + -kratia -cracy —Related forms an·ti·de·moc·ra·cy, noun, plural -cies, adjective non·de·moc·ra·cy, noun, plural -cies. pre·de·moc·ra·cy, noun, plural -cies. pro·de·moc·ra·cy, adjective

Democracy sentence examples
*Source- YourDictionary.com
*The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com.

• Why should we give our votes to the Concertación when their agenda deepens inequality and undermines democracy?

• democracy in the workplace is a smart move.

• We welcome new members to join in the fight for a liberal democracy.

• democracy cookbook Get the Democracy Cookbook from the Electoral commission.

• The AA is proud to have the benefit of an active and participatory democracy.

• democracyre worse both in terms of living standards and human rights than the Western social democracies.

• The network aims to deepen democracy through greater citizen participation in local governance.

• democracy in the country.

• Coverage of the scrutiny process is central to our parliamentary democracy.

• democracy movement.

• The widespread belief in the robustness of the rule of law in Britain certainly reflects our reputation as a vibrant multicultural democracy.

• It is hoped that this change will strengthen democracy.

• democracy in the region.

• In point of fact, bourgeois democracy is the political formula for free trade, nothing more.

• And not everyone thinks that shareholder democracy is in such a bad way.

• And unless that happens, policies to tackle poverty and revitalize democracy will not succeed.

• Participation in political life was one of the pillars of Athenian democracy.

• Download our full statement on use of the electoral register Recommendations on mayoral elections ( January 2002 ) In our report Reinvigorating Local democracy?

• During the early 1990s, under pressure from Western aid donors, the Moi government was finally forced to concede to a multi-party democracy.

• Mr Blair, you talk about the right to bomb others in order to defend democracy.


-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Monday 21 February 2011

Experimental Theatre of Life

I went to see my friend practicing his routines yesterday and was quite overwhelming with the setup of that venue. This reminds me of the early days when I started to be more involved in such routines. Experimental Theatre is what we used to call it. Never slipped in my mind (on those days) what does it reflects on each character it pronounces. However, yesterday it came up to my mind on how people do experimental things there. People start to laugh and sing. Others were talking to themselves and some of them kept on staring in the mirror walls while moving back and forth. A creative mind as I would recall. Despite being honest in completing their task, this people are trying hard enough to experiment with their role and sometimes in life. A comedian must be happy during his show. A singer must cry while singing his or her sad songs. The list goes on up to even the spectators. Honest in being there and play their part but might be covering the whole truth. Oscar Wilde once said that “I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.” This might be true however the question still remains. Whether the life is like a theatre and is it always experimental? Also how we need to act in fulfilling our life’s needs or honesty and sincerity will overcome the others. Some people were trained (by themselves) on how to look so good in front of people despite being rude almost immediate when they turn away.

Frankly, I believe it depends on what your preliminary intention was. If you do it since you were guarded by hatred then your intention is clear of not wanting to be nurtured by the other party. In other words, you don’t like him for your own reason. However, if you do it with regards of truth and sincerity you’ll deserve to get good deeds instead.

The Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم said:
"Deeds are only by intentions, for each man is only for which he has intended, and so whoevers hijrah is for Allah and his messenger صلي الله عليه وسلم, then indeed his hijrah is only to Allah and his messenger صلي الله عليه وسلم. But whoevers hijrah is to the world he wishes to acquire or a woman he seeks to marry, then his hijrah is only to that which he has actually immigrated."
[Bukhari and Muslim]
Source: http://alilmunnafi.blogspot.com/2007/06/hadeeth-1-intentions.html

The only arguments are that does the other party commit enough repression and do you really know what his or her intention was. This is either to burden or nurture and else, neither to hate or to love. However, how do you measure ‘enough?’

Be careful on which stage that you are performing. This will determine how great leaders you will be. If your drama is just to safeguard yourself, this would be selfish. If it was meant fulfil your needs then you are selfish. But, if you act is to punish people, think back did they do wrongdoings. To conclude I would say that we don’t really need an experiment that will make us regret throughout our lives. Especially, when what we say is merely true to ONLY our own mind and soul. Don't judge people where you could be judge by others as well. Do your play rigtheously and all the audience would applause sincerely.

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Sunday 20 February 2011

The public would protect me....

Last Friday I went to this dinner for ' Tahun Baru Cina and Jamuan Rakyat' at the Politeknik Merlimau Melaka. I'm attracted to what PM says during his speech regarding his safetey. Concerns were raised by the Police regarding PM's safety during visit and 'turun padang' session. He says that' Jangan risau, rakyat akan melindungi saya'. I'm pleased to hear that how Malaysians are pretty much tolerant and still could think properly. 'Love people so that you will be loved as well'. This would really represent the people of Malaysia. May we prosper together and achieve the extraordinary.
-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Thursday 17 February 2011

Character Building

How do you define character and how does these effects people nowadays. Well, this might be odd to us but some outstanding people build up their character through experience and also hardship in life. As stated by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe that, ‘Talents are best nurtured in solitude. Character is best formed in the stormy billows of the world.’ Therefore, it is true that the great wave does build up our character. It might be hardship, painful experience and also turbulence. However, I should convey my thought on young generations (In Malaysia) nowadays. In this country which is trying (or struggling) to achieve a developed nation in year 2020, the complacent feelings of young generation is building up. Their hardship in life has been minimized by the government effort since day 1 of independence. Their forefather had struggled to make sure that their children would have a better life. Lack of appreciation on the meaning of life and freedom channeled them, to unforeseen circumstances. Living in their comfort zone they then start to feel blessed. Nurtured by greatness of development is obviously bring them down. This even change how we communicate with lovers, friends and neighbors (McKenna, Green, and Gleason). Or we don’t? Well, Spoiled by what we have might bring a future that is not certain. No certainties on their survival as a professional, leaders and human being. The question is, how are we in a developed nation 2020?

I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Melaka- See outside the box

Datuk Shah Rukh Khan (2011) stated that Melaka is his 2nd Home when he arrives recently for filming of DON 2. Why? Is Melaka that beautiful? I know that Melaka is trying to be Venice...Venice wanabe. Do you think that Melaka have any chance? At least not in a near future since still a lot of time, effort and money should be invested to accomplish this. Venice has started its glory since the first decades and now Melaka is trying to pursue this same fame and glory. In reality, I would say that we are nowhere near. However, for the effort by the state government and people of Melaka, it won’t be impossible at all. It won’t stick as a wish or dream but will become reality sometime in future. Or maybe Melaka could become one of its kinds in Southeast Asia.

Melaka is well known throughout history and all main colonies in the world had always wanted Melaka under their reign. The priceless history and civilization had always been envy to friends and enemy. I was wondering of what Melaka has gone through and will go through is right for the people of Melaka and Malaysia?

I saw the Shah Rukh Khan's article in Utusan Malaysia yesterday. I wonder such a big name in Bollywood and the world would confirm that Melaka is his 2nd home. Why? On what basis that he made that statement? Is Melaka that good? Is Melaka beautiful enough? Is Melaka this and that? This reminds me when the state government awards the 'Datukship' to this well known actor. Now, people hatred goes on and what they say was the foolish act of the state government. Why we should give him? Are there no other people throughout Malaysia that should be awarded?

While having my coffee with a friend yesterday, he had thrown an idea that I think is appropriate to evaluate this matter. 'Don't just think outside the box, but you must also
SEE outside the box'. Some people who are entitles with power won’t do such things that really a waste. Some of their cloudy ideas would become clear if you just SEE outside the box. In addition, you just need to put yourself in their shoes and let the show begins. By awarding or should I say investing on a proper share, we will gain a high interest and benefits. There are a lot of better and beautiful sites in the world but why Melaka? Does the producer think that Melaka is really that good? Or maybe a pre-requirement form Shah that for him to be in this film, Melaka should be one of its shooting location? Only Allah would know that, not me.

I think I should congratulate the CM, State Government, Federal Government, People of Melaka, People of Malaysia and finally Datuk Shah Rukh Khan himself for seeing outside the box.
He could demand for somewhere else but he had chosen Melaka instead. Melaka would be talked and thought straight away when this film hits the silver screen around the world. Melaka would be a great travel destination hence a box office film shooting location. A waste for some might not be a waste at all for others. Recycling for instance, your can of coke would bring a greater joy and benefits for the collector. I assume that aluminum can is still a high demand for some people out there. If you think that the datukship investment is a waste…Think again…

*once a Hindi Film fanatics...

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Boiling Point

I kept on smiling to myself on how students nowadays think and react. How they are confident that they deserve an 'A' despite of not working for an 'A'. Their thought however is normal to us all, human being. As stated by Jason Dule, ' I have never known any honest person proclaim that they desire to be wrong, or maintain their position even though they know it to be in error.' This might not be right however there are certain agreement on this statement. Don't really know about you, but I do STRONGLY agree.

Neither working hard and showing enough effort, nor producing a good quality submission which really entitle them to obtain a good grades. Yet demanding and ignorant sometimes wanting that everything should be easy. Easy as their eyes would see and with their mind thinking of getting an 'A'. Well, tough luck guys. This is reality and in this real world, only the strong could survive. Strength towards challenges, attitudes and morale. Competence in what they do and quite excellence in their day to day routine. Discipline is the essence of success.

I might not be right either but that were just my thought of the day.

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Starting Point

Seriuosly, I need to start somewhere.

Life begins with the first step you take....

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

Sunday 30 January 2011


Maybe in Tenang, the Barisan planned the place to get flooded. Who knows...hahahahaha. Argue that....

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-
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