Monday 21 February 2011

Experimental Theatre of Life

I went to see my friend practicing his routines yesterday and was quite overwhelming with the setup of that venue. This reminds me of the early days when I started to be more involved in such routines. Experimental Theatre is what we used to call it. Never slipped in my mind (on those days) what does it reflects on each character it pronounces. However, yesterday it came up to my mind on how people do experimental things there. People start to laugh and sing. Others were talking to themselves and some of them kept on staring in the mirror walls while moving back and forth. A creative mind as I would recall. Despite being honest in completing their task, this people are trying hard enough to experiment with their role and sometimes in life. A comedian must be happy during his show. A singer must cry while singing his or her sad songs. The list goes on up to even the spectators. Honest in being there and play their part but might be covering the whole truth. Oscar Wilde once said that “I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.” This might be true however the question still remains. Whether the life is like a theatre and is it always experimental? Also how we need to act in fulfilling our life’s needs or honesty and sincerity will overcome the others. Some people were trained (by themselves) on how to look so good in front of people despite being rude almost immediate when they turn away.

Frankly, I believe it depends on what your preliminary intention was. If you do it since you were guarded by hatred then your intention is clear of not wanting to be nurtured by the other party. In other words, you don’t like him for your own reason. However, if you do it with regards of truth and sincerity you’ll deserve to get good deeds instead.

The Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم said:
"Deeds are only by intentions, for each man is only for which he has intended, and so whoevers hijrah is for Allah and his messenger صلي الله عليه وسلم, then indeed his hijrah is only to Allah and his messenger صلي الله عليه وسلم. But whoevers hijrah is to the world he wishes to acquire or a woman he seeks to marry, then his hijrah is only to that which he has actually immigrated."
[Bukhari and Muslim]

The only arguments are that does the other party commit enough repression and do you really know what his or her intention was. This is either to burden or nurture and else, neither to hate or to love. However, how do you measure ‘enough?’

Be careful on which stage that you are performing. This will determine how great leaders you will be. If your drama is just to safeguard yourself, this would be selfish. If it was meant fulfil your needs then you are selfish. But, if you act is to punish people, think back did they do wrongdoings. To conclude I would say that we don’t really need an experiment that will make us regret throughout our lives. Especially, when what we say is merely true to ONLY our own mind and soul. Don't judge people where you could be judge by others as well. Do your play rigtheously and all the audience would applause sincerely.

-I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win-

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