Friday 29 May 2009

How should i Start?

Writing is not really a good thing of mine. Despite, I envy what people could do with writings. Inspirations, rumours and etc. are all distributed through writings. This shows how writing effect our life in general.

Maybe I should start somewhere. What to write has always been an issue for me (or even others). I've been browsing through couple of blogger's hut and found some inspiration. However, 'some' does not provide me the knowledge on creating a greater impact on me and the audiences. I might think that the content is great but for some others...its just a blog.

I used to think that people is who they are and predestined to be what they are. Then I realized that eventhough everything is predestined, the act, reaction, determination and effort would change all of that. Strictly, this applies to writing as well as life. Not everybody can write! But, if they were taught or they learn to write then they could write. Might be better than Raja Petra or even J.K. Rowling . (Google if you don't have any idea of who they might be). The resemblance between those two are both creates an epic journey through time and writes in their own world. Far away from the real life, I guess. My perception might differ from others but this is the real truth. 'One cannot say that the others are wrong when they dont know that they are right'.

Hopefully my writings would express my emotions, thoughts and ideas (due to my own feelings) and I would end this with my one and only Word of Wisdom that I use throughout the time.

I'll pray and dream, I'll rise and win...


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